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Doxxing is the act of publicly revealing or publishing private or personal information about an individual without their consent, typically with malicious intent.

What is doxxing?

Doxxing is often carried out online, usually as a form of harassment or to intimidate and harm the targeted individual. The information used to “doxx” someone is usually obtained through hacking, social engineering, or by piecing together publicly available information from different sources. This information can include details such as the person's full name, address, phone number, email address, workplace, or other sensitive data. Doxxers may gather these personal details then publicly disclose them on social media platforms.

What are the consequences of doxxing?

Doxxing is not only harmful but also a violation of privacy and can have serious consequences for the targeted individuals. Social media platforms often have policies in place to combat doxxing. Platforms may take action against users who engage in such activities, including suspending or banning their accounts.

The consequences of doxxing can be severe and can lead to an invasion of privacy, harassment, identity theft, stalking, or even physical harm. It can also lead to reputational damage, loss of employment, and psychological distress for the victim.
It's important to note that doxxing is illegal in many jurisdictions as it violates privacy laws and can be considered a form of harassment or stalking.

What are the origins of doxxing?

The practice of doxxing originated in the early days of the internet and can be traced back to the 1990s. The term "dox" is believed to be derived from the abbreviation "docs" or "documents." Initially, it referred to the act of publicly revealing an individual's personal documents or information online. Over time, the term "doxing" or "doxxing" became more widely used.

The origins of doxxing can also be linked to various online communities, including bulletin board systems (BBS), online forums, and early social networking platforms. In these communities, individuals would sometimes engage in disputes or conflicts. As a form of retaliation, one party would attempt to gather personal information about the other and expose it publicly.

Doxxing gained further attention and prominence with the rise of online activism and social justice movements. In some cases, activists would reveal personal information about individuals they believed were engaged in malicious activities or held objectionable views. They saw it as a means to hold people accountable for their actions or beliefs.

However, doxxing has evolved beyond its initial roots and has become a tool for harassment, revenge, and intimidation. It is now associated with malicious intent, and the practice is widely condemned due to the potential harm it can cause to individuals' privacy, safety, and well-being.

While doxxing has become more prevalent with the growth of the internet and social media, the underlying behaviors of exposing personal information or engaging in public shaming have existed in different forms long before the digital age. The internet has simply facilitated the spread and impact of these actions on a larger scale.


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