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Content Curation

Content curation is the process of finding, selecting, and organizing existing content from various sources and presenting it in a meaningful way to a specific audience. 

Content curators search the web for relevant and high-quality content related to a specific topic, industry, or interest. They then share these curated pieces of content through their own social channels.

What are examples of content curation?

There are many different ways that content curation can be implemented and the examples are as versatile as the work of content curators. Here are a few: 

  • Social media accounts that share relevant and interesting articles, images, or videos related to a specific industry or topic.

  • Email newsletters that provide subscribers with a collection of curated content on a regular basis.

  • Blog posts that compile a list of top resources, tools, or tips related to a specific subject.

  • Podcasts that feature interviews with experts and thought leaders in a particular field.

  • YouTube channels that compile and share interesting and educational videos on a particular topic.

  • Webinars or online events that feature curated content and presentations from multiple speakers.

What are content curation tools?

Content curation tools are software programs or online platforms that can help content curators find, organize, and share relevant content with their audience more efficiently. Here are some examples of popular content curation tools:


Pocket is a bookmarking tool that allows users to save articles, videos, and other types of content to read later.


Feedly is an RSS feed reader that aggregates content from multiple sources and allows users to organize it into categories.


Later is social media management platform with a suite of tools that allow you to bulk upload your content or add content from Instagram and the web directly into your Media Library.

These tools can help content curators save time and streamline the process of finding and sharing high-quality content with their audience.

What does a content curator do?

A content curator is someone who finds, organizes, and shares relevant and high-quality content with their audience. This can involve scouring the internet for articles, videos, social media posts, and other types of content that are related to a specific topic or theme. 

Here are a few ways content curators establish themselves as a trusted authority in their niche:

Find trustworthy sources and select relevant content

Content curators find sources that are trusted and reputable, then use content curation tools to select relevant and high-quality content worth sharing with their audience.

Organize and present content

Content curators organize the content they have selected into themes or categories. This is then presented in a meaningful and engaging way.

Add value

Content curators add value by providing context, analysis, and noteworthy commentary that helps their audience understand why the content is relevant and valuable.

Content curation can be a super effective way to provide value to followers by sharing relevant and high-quality content on a particular topic.


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