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10 TikTok Ideas For Your Next Viral Video Post
TikTok Blogs & Resources

10 TikTok Ideas For Your Next Viral Video Post

Updated on April 27, 2021
8 minute read

Hit a creative rut and need some fresh TikTok ideas? We’ve got you covered!

Published April 27, 2021

Hit a creative rut and need some fresh TikTok ideas?

We’ve got you covered!

In this blog post, you’ll find 10 easy TikTok ideas you can use for your brand or business today.

If video is more your style, check out our YouTube video with five TikTok ideas to post:

10 Easy TikTok Content Ideas to Suit Every Brand

While being creative on TikTok and hopping on new trends is a great strategy, creating evergreen content is a surefire way to keep your community engaged and get more followers.

Evergreen content is timeless and can also be repurposed for other mediums — like your blog or Instagram Reels. Think of them as staple videos you can create time and time again.

Here are 10 cool TikTok ideas you can use whenever you’ve hit a creative roadblock:

  1. Show Your Daily Routine

  2. Share Inspirational Content

  3. Tease a New Product or Campaign

  4. Educate Your Audience

  5. Use the Q&A Feature

  6. Tell a Story

  7. Share Tips and Tricks

  8. Post a Vlog

  9. Share Your Interests

  10. Create a Duet/Stitch

Ready to level-up your TikTok strategy? Plan, schedule, and auto-publish your TikTok videos in advance with LaterSign up today for free.

TikTok Idea #1: Show Your Daily Routine

From influencers to small business owners, posting daily routine videos on your TikTok account gives followers insight into you and your brand.

It could be as simple as your morning coffee routine or how you organize your to-do list — anything that gives a “behind-the-scenes” vibe can be an engagement-booster.

Check out how card maker Angel + Hare takes us along her weekend morning routine:

The video is short and simple and adds a personal touch by inviting us into her studio.

TIP: Make this TikTok idea relevant to your brand or small business by focusing on the everyday tasks you’re known for. If you’re a style influencer for example, you might want to show how you prep for a photoshoot — or how you plan your posting schedule!

TikTok Idea #2: Share Inspirational Content

Inspirational content is an opportunity to share your brand’s values while converting viewers into followers.

For example, foodie and content creator Rebeca Huffman frequently shares uplifting messages to her community:

Her message about imposter syndrome has over 29K likes and 618 comments — with many expressing gratitude for her words of wisdom.

While inspirational content is great for wellness creators and entrepreneurs, it can also work for any type of brand. When brainstorming, reflect on the values you want to communicate, your mission, and what you think will resonate with viewers.

TikTok Idea #3: Tease a New Product or Campaign

Teasing a product is a great way to build anticipation for your upcoming projects.

Take custom designer @kikiskreationss who showed snippets of her garden robe in a 4-part TikTok series:

By showing her creation process, taking feedback from her community, and offering glimpses of the final robe, Kiki’s videos encouraged viewers to come back for more.

If you’re a business, you could also create TikTok videos hinting at a new product drop like Gaffrey Art Materials:

Sneak peeks are an effective tool for raising awareness of a product launch or long-term project — and can be used to drum up excitement.

TikTok Idea #4: Educate Your Audience

It’s time to flex your skills and expertise! Break down valuable information or guide viewers through an educational how-to video.

This type of content works because it can be applied to any industry or niche, and you can share your knowledge about a particular subject.

Real-estate professional Tamika Ellsworth (@realestate_t) educates viewers about home buying terms, insurance, and more:

Not sure where to start? Take a look at FAQs related to your business on Google, gather feedback from your followers, or think about what advice your friends ask you for.

TIP: Make educational TikTok videos a recurring element of your content strategy by creating a dedicated TikTok Playlist. This will allow viewers to find all your related videos in one place.

TikTok Idea #5: Use the Q&A Feature

Q&As are a great way for your followers to engage with you, and they can inspire new content ideas.

Luckily, TikTok has streamlined this process with its new Q&A feature, which lets your audience submit questions:

When it’s enabled, your audience can flag their comments as questions, making it easier for you to respond with a video or text reply.

Check out how Honey Art Cafe uses the Q&A feature to showcase menu options for potential customers:

TIP: Make space in your content calendar to answer questions on your Q&A page each week — they can easily become 1 or 2 new videos!

TikTok Idea #6: Tell a Story

With over 65B views, the #StoryTime hashtag is proof of the demand for personal, story-based content on TikTok.

Take Tiana aka @hoopsandt, an official scorer for basketball games. Her TikTok video telling the story of how she landed her job has over 72K views:

Or you could get inspiration from Joanne L. Molinaro who shares personal stories about her life while cooking Korean dishes:

You can also share stories you’ve been captivated by and spotlight employees, role models, or game-changers in your industry.

TIP: Storytelling videos don’t need to be too complicated. They can be as straightforward as filming a selfie video to talk about a unique experience.

TikTok Idea #7: Share Tips & Tricks

From iPhone hacks to the best way to keep your cat off your counters — sharing tips is your ticket to sharable (and potentially viral) content.

Chad from @mancrafting is a content creator whose TikTok feed is filled with educational videos about welding and woodworking. With over 104K followers he’s grown an engaged niche community, who can easily follow his simple hacks:

Videos with tips also allow you to position yourself as an expert in your industry. Later frequently shares social media and design hacks to our audience:

TikTok Idea #8: Post a Vlog

Vlogs are videos that function as a visual journal of your day or week.

Authenticity rules on TikTok, so giving your audience a look into your life or business makes for quality content.

Fashion and lifestyle vlogger Anna Lamos (@anna.lamos) created a video solely highlighting the small details of her day:

While the fast cuts might seem too quick to have a real impact — this video garnered over 200 comments. Lamos’ followers noticed every detail and their inquiries are great for engagement and inspiring future content.

Feeling nervous about sharing unpolished areas of your life? Watch Lydia Keating’s (@lydialoo121) viral video on why TikTok users love seeing “the mundane” on the platform:

TIP: For a good TikTok vlog, mix together short snippets and a trending sound that conveys the emotion you want to bring to the video.

TikTok Idea #9: Share Your Interests

Watching a new binge-worthy show? Read a business book that changed your life? Feature it in your next TikTok video!

Sharing new finds is an effective way to humanize your brand, can help diversify your content, and will bring viewers back for more.

Take Selene from @moongirlreads_ who shares her recommended reads:

By sharing books that she believes should be on the NYT bestseller list, Selene intrigues viewers and creates a dialogue around lesser-known books.

Not a fan of talking on camera? Use captions and images to get your message across.

Take for example, Jordan Dodson, an artist and activist who shares music recommendations to add to your playlist:

TIP: Keep your recommendations simple and personable — share a quick recap of what you enjoyed as if you’re talking to a friend.

TikTok Idea #10: Create a Duet/Stitch

Duet and Stitch are features found in the TikTok effects menu that allow you to collaborate with other users.

While the Duet effect creates a split-screen, Stitch allows you to clip and edit a recording in response to an existing TikTok video.

Benny the Bull, the Chicago Bull’s mascot, is a master class in using the Duet feature as a brand:

You can also see how Benny the Bull uses the stitch feature to interact with the NBA's official TikTok accountere.

These video features are a great way to reach new audiences, be creative, and show your personality. It’s a win-win.

TIP: If you want to see more Stitch content of a specific video, type #stitch@/username in the TikTok search bar.

There you have it! 10 evergreen TikTok content ideas you can rely on for inspiration, anytime.

TikTok is an extremely versatile platform — there’s a niche for almost everything. So whatever your brand, you can add your own unique twist to your account and let your personality shine through.

Want to create perfectly optimized (and potentially viral) TikTok videos? Find out how in our free 35-minute course now:

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