Dashboard and Reporting – Bigleaf Networks https://www.bigleaf.net Internet Connectivity Without Complexity Sat, 12 Aug 2023 04:58:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.1 https://www.bigleaf.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/favicon-70x70.png Dashboard and Reporting – Bigleaf Networks https://www.bigleaf.net 32 32 How to right-size your internet connection https://www.bigleaf.net/resources/how-to-right-size-your-internet-connection/ Thu, 29 Dec 2022 00:50:32 +0000 https://www.bigleaf.net/?p=18400 Read More]]>

Bigleaf customers typically enjoy a big improvement in the reliability and performance of their internet connections. There are other, lesser-known advantages to Bigleaf, too. One benefit is the chance to make better investment decisions when choosing ISP circuit types and services. The business intelligence provided by Bigleaf can help you to right-size internet connectivity while improving access for your entire organization.  

Bigleaf provides detailed reports on each circuit, so it’s easy to see how much throughput is needed, and how much is delivered. The in-depth analysis in the Bigleaf Web Dashboard shows which circuit is providing the needed performance and which is falling short. The IT team can make better choices, which sometimes leads to lower total cost of operation (TCO) as well as higher-quality service. 

Learn how Bigleaf improves quality of service.

With Bigleaf, you can achieve optimal performance on business-critical applications, to support greater productivity, seamless videoconferencing, responsive e-commerce, and real-time access to point-of-sale systems and electronic medical records. 

More bandwidth is not always better

Without Bigleaf, organizations with inadequate connectivity will often follow the ISP’s advice. The ISP typically recommends upgrading to an expensive, broadband circuit, like fiber optic cable. I’ve seen this happen at lots of organizations, both during my time at Bigleaf and in my previous work at an MSP.  

While that extra bandwidth may solve many connectivity problems, a gigabit line does not always provide consistent throughput. Users can still experience slowdowns and interruptions.  And a high-bandwidth, fiber optic line can cost 4-6x more per month than the original 200 Mbps circuit.  

Diversify ISPs and circuit types

A better choice would be to retain the original 100 Mbps or 200 Mbps line and add a second line. The redundancy helps to safeguard against downtime that can be caused by outages. The best option would be to work with more than one ISP and more than one circuit type, such as adding a cable, Starlink LEO satellite, or cellular line to supplement a primary circuit.  

By choosing diverse suppliers and circuit types, you further reduce the risk of downtime. One ISP might fail, but it’s unlikely for two to fail at once. Likewise, the physical cable or wire might get cut by mistake in a nearby construction project, but it’s unlikely for two different connections to be disrupted simultaneously. 

Add Bigleaf for reliable, high-performance connectivity 

Add Bigleaf to connect two, three, or four circuits, and you can achieve better than 99.99% uptime. Bigleaf also optimizes internet connectivity and performance automatically for all your most important applications and use cases.   

In many cases, the cost of two lines from two different ISPs will cost much less than one high-bandwidth connection. They provide all the benefits of reliable, stable internet connectivity that is right sized for your needs. Plus, customers can often pay for the Bigleaf solution out of their savings, and still have money left over.  

Right-sizing internet connectivity with Bigleaf may not always save money. Some companies break even or spend just a bit more than before, depending on their choices of service and providers. Regardless, they get great value for their money, as they can depend on their internet connections to deliver the always-on, highly optimized performance that keeps their organizations running smoothly and productively.  

Learn more about optimizing internet connectivity with Bigleaf.

Putting SD-WAN to work in the single-circuit home office https://www.bigleaf.net/resources/putting-sd-wan-to-work-in-the-single-circuit-home-office/ Tue, 31 Mar 2020 15:57:08 +0000 https://www.bigleaf.net/?p=6890 Read More]]>

Employees working at home find themselves relying on technology to do nearly every part of their job. VoIP phones, video conferences and SaaS apps dominate their day. SD-WAN can ensure that those calls, conferences and apps keep working throughout the day. But most homes only have a single internet connection. You may be asking: “Don’t SD-WAN platforms needed more than one internet connection to work?” 

Yes, multiple internet connections are great for failover and load-balancing. But SD-WAN can solve some of the most common home networking challenges even on a single internet circuit, using QoS to prioritize business applications. 

Let’s look at a real-world home office scenario involving a single internet connection. We’ll break down the common problems that cause dropped calls and lagging apps. And we’ll show how SD-WAN can keep calls and conferences running the way your employees expect them to. 

In this case, we’ll use the home of an actual user outside of Boston who installed Bigleaf for the remote office, giving us visibility into their home network performance and application use. We can use that data to illustrate the challenge and the solution.

This employee is used to working from home, but he’s now sharing the house and the network with the rest of the family during the work day. While he’s joining video conferences and making calls using a VoIP phone, four other people are using the internet to stream movies and attend classes online.  

To start, we’ll look at how much capacity his single internet connection provides using some of Bigleaf’s web dashboard reports.

In the capacity graph below, you can see the overall capacity of this home internet connection. The line on top represents download capacity and the line below represents upload capacity.

Like a lot of homes, there’s a lot more capacity for download than upload — roughly 100 Mbps in the download direction and 15 Mbps in the upload direction.   

Now let’s see how much of that capacity they’re using.  

In the throughput graph below, we can see how much traffic is flowing in each direction throughout the day. As in the capacity graph, download traffic is represented on top in green and upload traffic below in blue.  

The download throughput never exceeds the 100 Mbps capacity, topping out at around 75 Mbps. However, right after 12:00 noon, something caused a spike in upload traffic that maxed out the upload capacity. That means some traffic couldn’t go through immediately.   

If any of that delayed traffic was part of a video conference or VoIP call, there would be an interruption. That’s what we need to avoid. So let’s take a look at the types of traffic involved using Bigleaf’s QoS categories.

In this throughput graph, we can see that Bigleaf has automatically identified the different types of traffic and separated them into QoS classes. Bigleaf uses those QoS classes to prioritize more performance-sensitive traffic, like VoIP calls, to avoid any disruptions.

It looks like there was a spike in bulk upload data, represented in red, taking up about 14 Mbps of the available 15 Mbps of upload capacity for roughly 10 minutes. This could have been a large PowerPoint deck or maybe one of the kids uploaded a video file to Instagram.  

There was also a VoIP call going on during that time, depicted in green. We can barely see the data on the graph, but the inspector shows about 32 Kbps of VoIP data in the upload direction.  

In this case, the bandwidth constraint likely wouldn’t impact the file upload much. The file would just take a little longer to upload. But VoIP calls can drop or lag with even a slight data interruption. The goal here is to ensure that the file upload is impacted and not the VoIP call.  

That’s where Bigleaf’s intelligent SD-WAN technology stepped in…  

Bigleaf’s Dynamic QoS was able to identify the VoIP call and prioritize it over the bulk data traffic, ensuring that the call didn’t drop or lag. Our employee likely never knew that anything had happened, even when the file upload maxed out the circuit. Had his wife started a Zoom call during that time, Bigleaf would have prioritized that as well.   

If there was a second circuit available, maybe DSL or 4G wireless, Bigleaf could have also transferred the VoIP call to the other circuit without interruption. That would be necessary if we were dealing with an outage. In this case, Bigleaf’s Dynamic QoS was able to keep calls live and sounding good regardless of what else was happening on the home network.  

Choosing the right SD-WAN for your employees’ home offices  

If you’re considering a home office SD-WAN for your team, there are a lot of options. You’ll need to choose an SD-WAN that can handle the unique needs of the home office.   

Make sure your home office SD-WAN offers the following:  

Bi-directional QoS – Many firewalls and SD-WAN offerings can prioritize traffic in the upload direction. But VoIP calls, video conferences and many other interactive business apps require prioritization in both directions. The Bigleaf Cloud Access Network allows us to provide QoS in both directions for any application, video conferencing platform or VoIP provider. 

Policy-free QoS – Many SD-WAN vendors allow you to build policies to prioritize certain kinds of traffic or traffic from certain sources. But your employees’ calls and video conferences could be taking place on dozens of different platforms each day. Your company may use Zoom, but that doesn’t mean that your client isn’t inviting you to a BlueJeans bridge. Bigleaf’s Dynamic QoS uses machine intelligence instead of policies to automatically detect and prioritize any VoIP or video conference traffic, regardless of the vendor. 

Month-to-month Contracts – Many SD-WAN vendors require a minimum contract length of 12-months or more for their Home Office tools. But your employees might need to work from home for a month, two months or a year.  Bigleaf Home Office is available on month-to-month contracts, so you don’t have to pay for the solution longer than you need it.  

Simple Install – Your employees will likely be setting up their SD-WAN router themselves. Bigleaf installs in a couple of minutes and requires no on-site networking expertise. 

Getting started 

If you’d like to see Bigleaf in action for yourself, it’s easy to get started today. You can also request a quote for larger orders. For all other questions, contact us through the website and we’ll have someone reach out to you.

Bigleaf Status Page: Transparency in Action https://www.bigleaf.net/resources/bigleaf-status-page-transparency-in-action/ Thu, 28 Apr 2016 23:44:16 +0000 http://test.www.bigleaf.net/?p=1458 Read More]]> Most network providers hide outages and performance issues from you. They all have issues, but don’t inform you about them proactively. If you ask them “why was I down”, or “why did I have terrible performance for 2 hours” they might eventually tell you why, but it’s far from transparency and honesty. This is really frustrating, and creates a lot of confusion. It’s hard to know if they’re fixing the issues or just sweeping you under the rug. We don’t want your Bigleaf experience to feel anything like this!

The Bigleaf Status Page

At Bigleaf we have a culture of honesty and transparency, so we’ve just launched a public status page: status.bigleaf.net.

You can visit this page at any time to find both real-time and historical info about outages or performance problems affecting our service. This includes our datacenters, core network, IP connectivity, peering, web application dashboard, and other system-wide performance. Since we operate our own carrier-grade redundant network, we back it with an SLA.

As always, if you’re wondering about the status of a single customer site or circuit (instead of the network as a whole) you can see that via your private web app dashboard.

We hope this level of transparency, that is very unusual in the networking/telecom world, gives you comfort that we’re a partner with you, fighting hard to give you the best possible experience.
