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BFR (Be For Real)

"BFR" is an acronym commonly used on social media to express disbelief, sarcasm, or outrage towards a particular statement or situation. 

How is BFR used on Social Media?

When someone uses "BFR" on social media, it’s often in response to a statement that they find unbelievable or hard to accept. By using "BFR," a user is expressing their skepticism and indicate that they are questioning the truthfulness or authenticity of the information being shared. It can be seen as a way of challenging the credibility of a particular claim or expressing surprise at its audacity.

Another way "BFR" is used on social media is to express disbelief, sarcasm, or outrage towards a particular statement or situation. It serves as a shorthand way of indicating that the content being discussed is perceived as highly implausible, outrageous, or lacking credibility. Whether it's conveying doubt, adding a touch of sarcasm, the use of "BFR" allows users to participate in online conversations and express their reactions to content in a concise and expressive manner.

What does BFFR mean?

BFFR (Be Fucking For Real) is an acronym commonly used on social media meaning “be serious.” The social media slang phrase is used as a way to respond to something suspicious, surprising or incredulous. For example, “You think the Maple Leafs are going to win the Stanley Cup playoffs this year? BFFR.”

Where do the terms BFR and BFFR come from?

The terms BFR and BFFR originate in African American Vernacular English. It has been popularized in common slang and popularized on TikTok as a response meaning “are you for real?”


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